This past May we welcomed Cosima of Hopea into our showroom for a popup shop. Cosima has a beautiful collection of exquisite and rare jewelry primarily from mid-century Scandinavia. If you missed the first trunk show, you’ll have a second chance to see these exquisit pieces first-hand. The Hopea collection returns to Inform for a second popup shop on November 29th to December 1st. Just in time to pick up very special Christmas gifts for the ones you love. Below, Cosima shares with us insight into the origin of a few of her pieces.
By the late 1950s, design had become a symbol of regional identity in the Nordic countries. Given that jewelry was seen as lagging behind other areas of design, revitalizing the craft became a national interest. Certain young designers, many in their twenties, had already established their own modern workshops and were more than poised to rise to the occasion. Below is a brief look at some of these pioneering designers; each from a different Nordic country. Each designer had their own unique aesthetic as they explored beyond the boundaries of jewelry making of the time.